domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

El corrupto sistema bancario

The Corrupt Banking System
Have you ever wondered why Canada is in debt? Have you ever wondered why the government forces Canadians to pay so many taxes? Have you ever wondered why the bankers from the largest private banks are becoming wealthier, and the rest of us are not? Have you ever wondered why the gross national debt is over $800 billion dollars? Or why we are spending $160 million dollars a day on the interest of the national debt? That is $60 billion dollars a year! Have you ever wondered who receives the $60 billion dollars?
What I have discovered is the banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada. 
I will share with you three important points of reference which will hopefully spark enough interest and concern for you to continue the research on your own and to engage your government to stop this criminal act against the people of Canada.
First, we will briefly examine the Bank of Canada.
Second, we will see how the banking system works today.
And lastly, I will offer a viable solution that we can petition our government to implement.
A very little known figure in Canadian history is Gerald Grattan McGeer. He was a lawyer, a Member of Parliament and Mayor of Vancouver. His contribution to Canada is probably one of the greatest in our history. He championed the creation of the National Bank of Canada whose sole purpose is to create and manage Canada’s money. It was formed on July 3rd, 1934 and owned by all Canadians.
Until the 1970’s, because of the Bank of Canada, Canada’s national debt was held at a constant manageable level until the government decided to implement what we now have as our modern banking system that is robbing the Canadian people. So how are they robbing us?

Allow me to explain how our private banks and government work today: first the Canadian government borrows money from the Private Banks. They then lend the debt based money to Canada, with compounded interest. The government then continues to increase taxation of Canadians, year after year, in order to pay back the interest on the exponentially growing national debt. What results is inflation, less real money for Canadians to spend into our economy, and the real money being used to pad the pockets of the banks. As well, the government gave the banks the ability to loan out money that doesn’t exist in the form of loans. When a bank actually gives you a mortgage, which literally means a ‘death pledge’ or a loan, the banks do not actually give you money. They click a key on a computer and generate the fake money out of thin air. They don’t actually have it in their bank vaults. Presently, the banks only have 4 billion dollars on reserve BUT they have loaned out over 1.5 Trillion dollars.
To quote Graham Towers, “Each and every time a bank makes a loan, a new bank credit is created-new deposits-brand new money. Broadly speaking, all new money comes out of a bank in the form of loans. As loans are debt, then under the present system all money is debt.
What I find interesting is even Jesus in Matthew 21 drove out the money changers in the temple because they were manipulating the currency to steal money from the people.
The private banks are just like the money changers in Matthew 21, They are defrauding and robbing the people of Canada of their money; thus, their freedom and they need to be stopped.
How should the banking system work?
In an infamous interview Mr. McGeer asked Mr. Towers, “Can you tell me why a government with power to create money should give that power away to a private monopoly, and then borrow that which parliament can create itself, back at interest, to the point of national bankruptcy?”
Mr. Towers replied: “If parliament wants to change the form of operating the banking system, then certainly that is within the powers of Parliament.” 
In other words, if the Canadian government needs money, they can borrow it directly from the Bank of Canada. The people would then pay fair taxes to repay the Bank of Canada; this tax money would in turn get injected back into our economic infrastructure and the debt would be wiped out. Canadians would again prosper with real money as the foundation of our economic structure and not debt money.
Regarding, the debt money that is owed the private banks such as the Royal Bank, we would simply have the Bank of Canada print the money owing, hand it over to the private banks, and then clear the debt with the Bank of Canada. And yes, we have the power and lawful right to do so.
In conclusion, it has become painfully obvious, even for me, a 12 year old Canadian, that we are being defrauded and robbed by the banking system and a complicit government.
What will we do to stop this crime? What will we do to ensure that the next generation will live free and clear of the debt based economy that enslaves them on to the bankers?
Margaret Mead said this quote and I hope that all of you remember this “Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Thank you.

Grant, Victoria. "The Corrupt Banking System", [en línea]. 27 de mayo de 2012. Transcripción disponible en la Web:

domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012

La cultura del "Copiar y pegar"

Extraigo lo más relevante del artículo original, citandolo [1] para que no quede ninguna duda de su procedencia original:
Copiar y pegar
Los “tremendos parecidos” entre un texto accesible en Internet y un artículo que reproduce literalmente frases y párrafos del mismo son denunciados por un lector 
Ha sido precisamente el interés que despertó en un lector, Elías Cueto, el artículo Las preguntas que importan, publicado en El País Semanal el pasado domingo, lo que le llevó a un penoso descubrimiento. El texto alberga párrafos copiados, literalmente o casi, de un opúsculo de 14 páginas que puede consultarse en Internet.
Lo explica así [el lector]: “Leo con interés el artículo. Fascinado por la cita de Marilee Goldberg de la página 32, decido buscar en Internet algún dato adicional sobre ella y me encuentro la siguiente referencia: ¿Son ustedes conscientes del tremendo parecido entre ese documento y el artículo publicado por Miriam Subirana? Creo que, como lectores de EL PAÍS, nos merecemos algo mejor”. En la carta, el lector alude a la práctica de copiar y pegar que la existencia de Internet facilita en extremo y habla de una sociedad digital mal entendida. A la vista de todo ello, prosigue, “uno entiende ciertas cosas sobre la crisis de la profesión periodística”.
En la breve bibliografía que la responsable del artículo adjunta se cita The art of powerful questions. Catalyzing insight, innovation and action,de Eric E. Vogt, Juanita Brown y David Isaacs (Whole Systems Associates). Sin embargo, en el cuerpo del artículo no se hace ninguna alusión al mismo a pesar de que aparecen frases y párrafos copiados. Según el rastreo realizado con el contador del procesador de textos, de un artículo cuyo cuerpo central tiene 1.404 palabras, más de 550 figuran en frases traducidas tal cual, o con alguna supresión insignificante, del mencionado original. Lo que supone un tercio de lo publicado. En Internet también está disponible una traducción al castellano de la pieza original cuyo copyright data de 2003. Según la Real Academia, plagiar consiste en “copiar en lo sustancial obras ajenas, dándolas como propias”.
“El artículo al que alude el lector”, escribe Subirana, “y que incluyo en la bibliografía, está inspirado en las tesis de Marilee Goldberg, cuyo libro también menciono. Por otra parte, la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual y el Convenio de Berna no establecen la longitud máxima que se permite de una cita. No tuve intención de ocultar ninguna autoría y si no los menciono en el texto es porque eran muchos autores y porque los incluyo en la bibliografía. Por otra parte, las citas a Albert Einstein o Arno Penzias aparecen en muchos textos sobre el tema y además es evidente que el conjunto de su pensamiento y su obra es de dominio público”. 
Que en la bibliografía, adjunta al artículo, se mencione la obra no es una eximente para que una parte del mismo se construya con frases calcadas de la misma sin ningún entrecomillado ni alusión sobre su procedencia. Los párrafos que no eran de elaboración propia deberían haber sido publicados debidamente referenciados.

Estos son sin duda los principios que tendrían que guiarnos a todos a la hora de hacer un trabajo, tanto personal, universitario como profesional. Desafortunadamente no es en todas las ocasiones así, ni mucho menos.

Las nuevas generaciones se creen con derecho a copiar y pegar cualquier cosa que encuentren en Internet sin citarla, apropiándosela cual bandoleros. Y lo que es más preocupante, lo hacen pensando que es correcto.

Estas personas deberían imprimirse las últimas frases que cito arriba y leerlas todas las mañanas para no olvidarse nunca.


[1] : Delclós, Tomàs. "Copiar y pegar", [en línea]. Mayo de 2012, [06 de Mayo de 2012]. Disponible en la Web:

[2]: Eugenia, Profesora. "¿Cómo citar una página web?", [en línea]. Julio de 2006, [06 de Mayo de 2012]. Disponible en la Web: